English language arts

George's Marvellous Medicine Colourful semantics
Colourful semantics used for creating a marvellous recipe.

Little Red Colourful Semantics
Little Red Riding Hood colourful semantics and space to write simple sentences.

Diary of a Killer Cat - Wanted Poster
Example of a wanted poster and colourful semantics which are useful for SEND children.

Year 5 Flanders Field Diary Entry
This resource includes everything you need to turn Flanders Field into a diary and was planned for an observed Year 5 lesson. The pack includes poppies to write emotive language on, a planning sheet, an example diary sheet, decisions decisions based on vocabulary within the poem and a diary vocabulary sheet which will be useful for ALL diary writing. Files included are word and publisher.

Letter from Santa
A letter from Santa used with a Year 3 class introducing our Elf. Fully editable so you can put your name and class name in.

David Walliams Biography Descriptosaurus
Biography vocabulary used with a year 3 class to write a biography on David Walliams.

Vocabulary cards for all writing genres
In the resource there are word mats for the following genres:
Balanced Arguments
Diary Entry
Instructional vocab
Newspaper openers
Non-chronological reports
Persuasive arguments
These can be adapted to suit the writing that you need.

Diary of a Killer Cat Comprehension planning
Comprehension planning for a diary of a killer cat. There are questions planned for each day (over two weeks).

George's Marvellous Medicine GR
There is a five week plan for George’s Marvellous medicine. There are daily questions. There are also comprehensions for each week one for SEND and one for whole class. This was designed for a Year 3 class.

Flat Stanley Comprehension Questions
Used with a Year 2 class.
Set out in Weeks 1-5
Main Version and SEND version.
SEND version include widgits/speed sounds

Varjak Paw Comprehensions and planning.
There are around 6 weeks of comprehension planning based on a Year 3 class. There are also weekly comprehensions to complete with your children. All questions are based on test style questions.

A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch Yr 2 Prompt style SATs focused questions
Includes lots of SATs style questions.
Introduction - looking at the blurb and linking it to a book they have read before.
Questions for children to answer on the following chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3/4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6/7
Chapter 10